Policies & Documents

Members Code of Conduct

Hadley and Leegomery Parish Council has adopted a new Code of Conduct in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. This includes new requirements for the registration of disclosable pecuniary interests as defined in the Act. The Code takes effect from 1st July 2012. A copy can be viewed by clicking on the link below.

Code of Conduct 05/10/2021

Register of Disclosable Interests

The Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests is held by the Monitoring Officer of Telford & Wrekin Council and can be viewed by clicking on the link below. This will take you to the relevant page of Telford & Wrekin Council's web site where you need to select "downloads" at the right hand side of the page, then scroll down to find Hadley and Leegomery Parish Council:

Members Register of Interests

Parish Charter

 The Telford & Wrekin Parish Charter is a document through which both Telford & Wrekin Council and Parish and Town Councils agree to work together to promote sustainable, social economic and environmental developments for the benefit of local communities. The overall aim of the Charter is to improve relationships between the Unitary Council and Local Councils in Telford and Wrekin, paying particular attention to improving consultation and communications about policies that affect communities.

Telford and Wrekin Parish Charter

Local Government Transparency Code

Expenditure exceeding £500
Invitations to quote or tender for contracts over £5,000 in value
Local Authority Land
Grants to Voluntary and Community Groups
Background Information about the code