Planning & Development

Local Plan 2016 - 2031

The Local Plan outlines the borough council's planning policies and priorities for planning and development over the next 15 years and identifies proposed housing and employment sites for the period up to 2031.

Following public consultation on the Local Plan and examination by an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government the Local Plan.

On 11 January 2018, following a vote of the Full Council of the Borough of Telford & Wrekin, the Telford & Wrekin Local Plan 2011- 2031 was adopted and can now be used as the basis for planning decisions and future development in the Borough.

Copies of the documents may be downloaded from

The Parish Council's role in planning

Planning applications made within the parish or which immediately border onto the parish are considered at meetings of the full Parish Council, usually held on the first Tuesday of the month.

The parish council is a statutory consultee in planning matters. The parish council cannot veto a planning application but it can request that applications are decided by the borough council's Planning Committee rather than being dealt with by a Planning Officer under delegated powers.

Links to planning applications considered by the parish council from 18th October 2015 onwards are given below.

 Telford & Wrekin Planning Applications

Commenting on Planning Applications 


To comment on a planning application you can:

Visit Telford & Wrekin’s planning online page to search for applications here:

Telford & Wrekin Council Planning 

Telephone: 01952 380380


Write to:

Telford & Wrekin Council

PO Box 457

Wellington Civic Offices



Ensure you quote the planning application reference number in your email or letter.


Material & non-material planning considerations

Material planning considerations can include (but are not limited to):


  • Overlooking/loss of privacy
  • Loss of daylight/sunlight or overshadowing
  • Scale and dominance
  • Layout and density of buildings
  • Appearance and design of development and materials proposed
  • Disabled persons' access
  • Highway safety
  • Traffic and parking issues
  • Drainage and flood risk
  • Noise, dust, fumes etc
  • Impact on character or appearance of area
  • Effect on listed buildings and conservation areas
  • Effect on trees and wildlife/nature conservation
  • Impact on the community and other services
  • Economic impact and sustainability
  • Government policy
  • Proposals in the Local Development Plan
  • Previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)
  • viability and deliverability

Issues which cannot be taken into account

  • Who the applicant is/the applicant's background
  • Loss of views
  • Loss of property value
  • Loss of trade or increased competition
  • Strength or volume of local opposition
  • Construction noise/disturbance during development
  • Fears of damage to property
  • Maintenance of property
  • Boundary disputes, covenants or other property rights
  • Rights of way
  • Personal circumstances are generally not a material planning consideration

Planning Applications